A Center of Excellence in Developmental Biology and Epigenetics
In the framework of Paris Sciences et Lettres University (IDEX PSL), the scientific program of the LabEx DEEP has aimed to decipher the complexity of life and development of a whole organism, from the germ line and stems cells up to the transitions between normal and disease states, to better address the issues associated with diseases. To this end, we focus on three fundamental research axes:
- Development and epigenesis
- Epigenetics
- Life-time potential
A key additional goal is the transfer of our scientific breakthroughs to society with the goal of addressing modern-day therapeutic challenges.
State-of-the-art technologies
The research strategy is based on an intense collaboration of teams with complementary expertise in developmental biology, epigenetics and stem cell biology. This core team is continuously enriched with new expertise through training and recruitment. From yeast to human, our researchers explore and deepen the concepts of epigenesis and epigenetics at different scales, from the molecule in a single cell to the analysis of tissue morphogenesis or the study of whole organisms. To this aim, DEEP integrates new approaches and advanced technologies, supporting the acquisition of cutting-edge technology to shape a unique operational set up to support research teams in the most effective way. We notably contributed to the development of four Institut Curie Core Technological Platforms, the recruitment of qualified engineers to ramp up the platforms and the implementation of quantitative methods for multiscale image and whole genome sequencing analysis associated with “omics” technologies.
A bet on the future
The LabEx DEEP is a bet on the future: recruitment, training and career development for young researchers have been a major priority.
- The LabEx notably enabled strategic recruitments of Principle Investigators, early career researchers (Master’s and PhD students, postdoctoral fellows) and technical support.
- DEEP supported and organized with the Institut Curie Training Unit unique international courses feeding PSL Master programs.
- The LabEx Training and Career Development program launched in 2013 enabled 70 PhD students and postdoctoral fellows of the LabEx to participate in a professional trip to attend a conference or a course, initiate a collaboration or acquire new technique.
- DEEP successfully took part in the IC3i-PhD and EuReCa competitive European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programs for cofunding of international PhD students, coordinated by the Institut Curie Training Unit and involving the LabEx Cell(n)Scale (CelTisPhyBio), the Institut Curie Hospital and several industrial partners.
Promoting dissemination of science and outreach towards the general public
The LabEx DEEP aims to increase public awareness and facilitate communication between its research disciplines, an objective that fits into the core concept of PSL which promotes a combination of disciplines to create a unique intellectual environment that can better disseminate information to both specialists and the general audience. In this context the LabEx notably:
- Organized multiple scientific events, such as symposia, conferences, groups meetings or workshops, joining forces with other Institut Curie LabEx (Cell(n)Scale, DCBIOL) and the Qlife Convergences Institute.
- Joint local capabilities to key national and international initiatives (GDR and GDRi, ITN, LifeTime CSA), structuring the scientific community and enhancing the visibility of all partner institutions.
- Created a short motion-design movie to share about our research themes.
- Supported several outreach projects, such as the “Expériences” Art & Science LabEx/PSL exhibition in 2015, the kids’ book collection Esprits Curieux, which aims at educating young children on science and research topics, and the Muse-IC concert of original music pieces inspired by science in 2019.