Key achievements
Scientific Excellence since 2012
The Institut Curie is a foundation of public interest, which combines the largest French cancer research center and two state-of-the-art hospitals. This hospital structure has pioneered many treatments and is a center of excellence for the treatment of breast cancer, pediatric tumors and ocular tumors. Besides, it disseminates medical and scientific innovations in France and abroad. Founded in 1909 on a model devised by Marie Curie and still at the cutting edge: “from fundamental research to innovative treatments”, the Institut Curie gathers together 3,000 researchers, physicians, clinicians, technicians and administrative staff.
Launched in April 2012 within the framework of the French National Research Agency (ANR) funding “Investissement d'Avenir”, the Laboratory of Excellence (Labex) DEEP (Development, Epigenetics, Epigenetics and lifetime Potential Laboratory of Excellence) unites 14 research teams from 2 research units from the Institut Curie: the Nuclear Dynamics Department and the Genetics and Developmental Biology Department. From 2012 to 2018, DEEP was coordinated by Pr. Edith Heard and Dr. Geneviève Almouzni. Since 2019, Dr. G. Almouzni ensures the coordination together with Dr. Pierre Léopold. Initially funded for 8 years between 2012 – 2019, we have recently been renewed for another 5 years from 2020 – 2024. Building on our history of scientific excellence, our renewal project meets new scientific challenges with high potential impacts both intellectually and therapeutically.
Key figures
Scientific Output
- 90+ research contracts totaling over 35M€
- 340+ total publications (average impact factor 11.5)
Dissemination, Training & Public Communication
- 30+ scientific seminars, workshops and conferences organized
- 2 Horizons 2020 international PhD Cofunds supported (IC3iPhD, EuReCa)
- 4 annual international courses (Epigenetics, Developmental Biology, Non-coding Genome, Epistemology and Ethics of Science)
- 4 Art & Science initiatives (« Expériences » exhibition, DEEP motion design movie, Muse-IC concert, Esprits CURIEux children’s books
Technology Transfer
- 4 patent applications filed
- 12+ R&D collaborations
- 2 ERC Proof-of-Concept grants
- 2 Carnot maturation grants